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  • General

    Date Available On Market2007-06-22
    MarketsCanada, Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States
    MasterFormat® Number07 40 00, 07 50 00
    Product TypeCoating
  • Certifications and Standards

    ENERGY STAR® Certification

    certified date 2017-07-28

  • Energy

    Emissivity Initial0.83
    Solar Reflectance0.32
    Solar Reflectance after 3 years0.32

The information contained in this site was provided by the producer and/or certifier and we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct. ecomedes make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or availability of the product information on the site for any purpose. We encourage users to contact the producer or certifier directly for additional details. It’s important to note that no products individually or collectively, can guarantee a specific number of points for LEED, WELL, GreenGlobes or LBC certifications.

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